What are you saying hello to right now?
Every day, when we wake up, we have the choice to “say hello” to frustrations, to anxiety, to issues. Or, we can “say hello” to a fresh new day.
We only get one life. We only get one chance
My new song, “Say Hello”, is all about this. Check it out…
Believers become new creations in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). So, how do we live this out?
Well, we get to say goodbye to shame and
This happens all the time… I’m stuck driving behind a slow driver, who’s holding me from whatever I need to get to next, and it ends up wrecking my whole day. I get inconvenienced and I let it ruin my day.
We have so many things to be thankful for, but often we only focus on the bad. We get in our heads and relive every situation we’ve messed up. And because our day is bad, we end up spreading that negativity.
As believers, what do we get to “say hello” to every day?
A love that loves us for who we are, not who we should be. A love that knows our past, our problems, our shame, but says we are worth it just the same. A love that says, “It’s OK. Get up and keep moving.” A love that says we’re not our failures, missteps, or mistakes.
So, today, say hello to that love. Say hello to Jesus. Fix your eyes on God, and run your race in His grace.